Background: Over a year ago she read an email conversation I had with a friend. In it was mention my then dissatisfaction with the sex and with her spending habits. It really hurt her feelings and she's super sensitive about that ever since. I recognize that since that friend was a girl that she had some right to feel upset. I haven't done that again. Then about a week ago she saw all my posts on Reddit on /r/asktrp. She was upset at first, but later I think she understood that it was a good thing because it is helping me improve myself etc.

Today I showed her a Facebook conversation I had with an ex because she got married and my wife was curious about the conversation (you're seeing a trend). I walked out of the room, and then she opened up conversations I had with a male friend, which is below. She insists that this is the same kind of breach of privacy and is threatening divorce (in her anger, it JUST happened). What do you all think? Was I out of line or is she? Bolded parts are most pertinent.

Me: Well it sounds to me that you're doing good only working a few hours a day. That would be my dream, then I could spend more time with my wife/kid and pursue hobbies.

Him: Right. Although it gets somewhat addictive to try to make money off your hobbies. Which I wouldn't mind lol.

Me and him: blah blah entrepreneurial strategies etc.

Him: So what did you do with it?

Me: paid off my credit cards Then within a year I filled them back up again (I was 18-19) ha. I felt so smart when I paid them off.

Him: That WAS a smart move.

Me: Thanks, I'm good at paying things WIFE isn't as good Whenever I get a big bonus we have a talk about how we'll give ourselves X small % for fun, and the rest goes on debt. And she's like "yes". And then the next day she says something like "we should go to the Philippines". Ha.

Now she just called my mom of all people and is asking her to come live with her in another state while the divorce is arranged etc.

My mom is like "I know you're feelings are hurt, but I don't think this is a reason for divorce, more like a reason for counseling...." They're talking now.

Was I out of line? I DO NOT want to get a divorce. It's not a oneitis thing, I don't think. It's just that I love her, she loves me, she's just very immature sometimes (6 years younger) and her family is the type to jump to drastic measures. I don't want to get a divorce because while I love her, I COULD get along without her after a while. But I can't bear to be without my 3 year old son.

Edit: So she agreed with my mom (still not talking to me) to go to counseling. I look at this is a good sign, right?