I text a chick to get dinner months ago. We go. She gets ME drunk.(this was pre RP discovery.) Has sex with me in my place. I was totally not in control of it.

I text her once or twice to chill. No response. She texts me to come "iron her cape". I refuse because I'm actually a busy person and was out of town. She texts me last night saying I miss you. Blah blah. I say we'll talk about this later. Because its 3am..

She texted me this morning with him, there is nothing really to talk about. I think you are a great person with a beautiful heart; however I do not appreciate your random booty calls. I don't know who you think I am but I'm not that kind of girl. So bye.

This woman played the slut the first time. Now wants me to play by new rules. I'm probably not going to respond to that text at all unless someone here thinks it's possible to bring her back to plate status. I don't think you can agree and amplify this without sounding bitter.

Things I know that are stupid to do. Apologize, accept her frame and try to court her. Respond back bitter.

In the mean time it's time to text another one.