Im visiting my uncle for a month and while living with him he’s complained a fuck ton about his girlfriend doesn’t pay any bills and tries to make decisions about his house. Anyways, a couple nights ago she gets drunk and says some stupid shit so they start arguing and he kicks her out. She has family across the street so it wasn’t like she was gonna be homeless but shes too comfortable living rent free so she refuses to leave end eventually starts hitting him. Bear in mind my uncle had a heart condition so this could’ve really affected him. So im pissed and pull her off him and eventually get her to leave. But not before she takes his keys and a tin filled with money.
The next day he calls her for his keys and she says she lost them so he has to change the locks. Fast forward to today and shes back living with him and him and everyone in the house is acting like nothing happened including her sisters and his daughters. This isn’t even the first time he kicked her out either but the fact that she put her hands on him should’ve been the last straw.
It feels like I’m crazy because i would’ve cut her off immediately but apparently everyone cool with it but one of my uncles tenants who’s renting a room. He and i were talking about it and he says my uncle’s pussy whipped. So am i crazy or is my uncle pussy whipped
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