I really like this girl I had been seeing for like a month straight. We got along so well so fast and have had super emotional sex and it felt like a long term ltr after only a couple weeks. Only thing is, I wasn’t looking to get into an exclusive ltr from the jump. We were definitely exclusive the whole time though, just didn’t really talk about it.

I just left for a trip to Europe that I had been planning since before I met her - told her I wanted to be open to see other other people while I was away. Ended up missing the shit out of her while I was gone and had no interest in other girls even though I could’ve definitely gotten some ass if I wanted it.

We were in touch nearly the whole time I was gone, both of us saying how much we loved and miss each other. I hadn’t told her I didn’t see anyone else because I guess I sort of implied it and was naive. I just got back after about 5 weeks.

She told me she fucked someone else while I was gone and it has upset me way more than I thought it would. She had every right to do so and did nothing wrong. She still is dying to see me and wants to even be exclusive still if I will. It’s just me who can’t get over it. I feel cheated on even though I definitely wasn’t lol. I thought I would be ok just not caring about who she sees, but I just care about her too much to. I’m leaning towards just taking the L of oneitis and cutting her off since I can’t handle it and it’d always be in the back of my mind.

My question is: How do you guys not care about a girl that you care about seeing other people? I can’t see this problem getting any better for my me throughout my life. When I meet a girl I really like I’m torn between a case of oneitis and detachment. Maybe red pill isn’t for me and I just need to accept the fact that I’m a relationship guy, as much as I want to fuck other people.

I understand this is totally my fault and my doing lol, but I would appreciate any advice or insight if anyone has any. Thank you.