Hi seddit! I've been a student of the game for a decent amount of time, but reading the articles was about as far as it went for me. I've recently decided to take the next step and start making approaches. Like most of you, I've begun dealing with my share of approach anxiety. I've been making regular approaches for a few weeks now, and probably have something like 20-30 under my belt. I'm far from an authority, but here's something that has helped me make the approaches I want:

  • There are two types of regret. Which would you rather feel?

As far as I'm concerned, you can regret making the approach or regret not making it. While the possibility of completely failing or looking like an ass on an approach is very real, there is an immense amount of learning that can come from failed approaches. In fact, if you don't have at least a few train wreck sets, you aren't doing it right. You may regret it right away, but with enough attempts you should come to appreciate your failures. On the flip side of that, you learn absolutely nothing from letting an opportunity to approach pass you by. This can actually reinforce your lack of confidence and do damage in the long run. So, would you rather make a shitty approach and regret it for a few minutes or spend an entire day watching hot girls walk past you?