I’ve been in the community since HS and I would summarize the BP this way

1) Looks are extremely important in social situations and relationships.

2) Women have far stricter requirements than men when it comes to dating.

3) Attractiveness isn’t necessarily “objective” but the majority of humans tend to agree on what physicals traits are desirable and what traits aren’t so the distinction isn’t relevant for very ugly men.

4) Personality is only relevant if someone can meet the minimum looks threshold. Women may ignore personality if the guys is extremely attractive, rich or has a high status in society.

5) “Antisocial” personality traits don’t stop chads and some normies from having a regular social life, but it does for ugly men. “Positive” traits doesn’t significantly increase the chance of an ugly man getting a relationship or being treated bette.

6) The most important traits in physical attractiveness (Face, Height and Race) are mostly influenced by genetics. Physical training + fashion can help normal looking men, but not ugly men, because there’s no gym for your face(unless you’re obese) and height.

7) Ugly women are treated somewhat worst than attractive women but in comparison to ugly men, are placed on a pedestal. Women cannot be incels.

8) It’s nigh-impossible for ugly men to find regular relationships and be treated regularly so it’s fine if they give up.