Crosspost "Women do not have an inherently deep or complex sexuality" from /r/PurplePillDebate:

When people discuss 'innate' differences between male and female sexuality, no matter what the specifics, the broad view always seems to be that women have a deeper and more complex way of perceiving sexual attraction. The evidence put forth ranges from the seemingly simple and obvious (women are more selective therefore their sexual impulses must require a more complicated set of triggers) to the somewhat esoteric (women are more likely read erotic fiction than watch porn). Basically, the dominant cultural narrative is that because women emphasize so heavily on non-physical traits when talking about men they're attracted to, we can jump to the conclusion that they're inherently less shallow than men.

IMHO this is a faulty line of reasoning since it completely ignores general human(not just female) tendencies regarding sensory stimulation, pleasure-seeking behavior, etc. and assumes that the female sexual impulse is something unique. What is far more plausible is simply that abundance leads to desensitization which leads to novelty-seeking and since the number of men that look 'good' and novel at the same time is quite low, women seek out that novelty from behavior/reputation. This phenomenon is essentially no different from people who have been desensitized to any other type of stimulus. For example: 

  1. Those who have eaten so much traditionally 'good-tasting' food that they seek out exotic cuisine with interesting preparatory techniques/cultural significance even if the food by itself doesn't taste that much better.
  2.  Wine connoisseurs who spend boatloads of money on well-reputed 'acquired' tastes.
  3.  Music/movie/game buffs who seek out obscure genres.

It's also interesting how the attitudes of the people towards their respective objects of interest in my examples above are strikingly similar to women's general attitudes towards men. I.e. hyperfocus on nitpicking flaws, disdain towards the average, romanticization of the exceptional, etc..

The bottom line is, women's desire for personality/game/charm is really just a desire for non-physical novelty same as how they would desire it in any other scenario where the stimulus was abundant and easily available. It's not cos of some inherent part of the female brain that makes them "less shallow".

Addendum: When it comes to women preferring erotic fiction over porn, this can easily be explained by fact that women can easily get basic sex with a guy who is their looksmatch or above. Nobody fantasizes about something easily within their reach so women require elaborate stories/scenarios to go with the sex for it to be fantasy-worthy. For a porn company, these things would be too expensive to depict and not worth it since porn for women would get fewer views even if it aligned with their tastes due to women's much lower libidos. So porn ends up catering more to male tastes, turning women off and therefore they seek out erotic fiction.

Posted by Occams_clipper | 28 May 2022 | Link