Sure looks and other things matter up to a point but even someone ugly can have a decent social and dating life if they're neurotypical. In fact, the more neurotypical they are, the more all the other theory breaks down and theoretical autistic rules people come up with are stretched.

Most of the people here with serious struggles in their social and dating life (and I mean with real people not online discussion) are because they have autism. There are exceptions but this is the main cause. The main ones that still have issues in late age 30-40+ tend to have autism.

I'm sure if you have mild autism and you're the most attractive person in the world or have something else to offer, and/or the other person is very empathetic then they will be tolerant of you but if you're not with someone who's also autistic then good luck with that relationship.

It's very rare for an NT and ND marriage to end up well. Just google "NT and ND marriages" and you'll see how brutal it is. In fact, I don't even need to cherry-pick a post. Type it into yourself into google and you'll see the vast majority of posts consisting of NT partners wanting to divorce and absolutely disgusted by the thought of ever dating a non-NT person again.

I've learned this from first-hand experience as well and in both dating AND general social life. You can hit the gym and be fit, have fabricated social status, a great job, be tall, average to slightly above average looking etc. All of that only increases the illusion that people have of you before you open your mouth. As soon as you speak and interact, the social faux pas start happening and it's only a matter of time before people sense it.

On the topic of social skills, I've found that it only trains your "mask" to improve. However, the "mask" is only a temporary delayer. This means that instead of people sniffing you out in like 5 minutes, it might take one hour. That's about it though. You just delay the inevitable.