The white feather is traditionally thought of as a symbol of cowardice. In the British Empire during WWI and II, women were encouraged to present men who refused to enlist in the army with one, to shame them into complying. Many of these women were suffragettes and feminists.

The thing is, I don’t see it as a symbol of cowardice. I see it as an obvious symbol of resisting tyranny. Resisting the institutionalised sexism which says the lives of men are of less worth than their female counterparts.

The white feather is saying to fucking hell with that. When a man bears a white feather, he is declaring that he is not a commodity. He is not a utility. He is not cannon fodder. He’s saying that he is a human being, a man, and that makes his life of no less worth than his female counterparts. He will not lay down his life simply because he is a man, nor will he bow down to gynocentric society in any other way which impinges upon his rights.

Because he knows it's unbecoming of a man to put up and shut up. He knows his and other men's worth and will fight against anyone who gives them less than the equality they deserve.

It's the perfect symbol of our movement imo.

edit: new sub icon, nice B)