As someone who is going through a divorce from a female narcissist, this movie spoke to me.

My ex has:
Drugged me
Came at me with knives
Thrown things at me
Ruined my reputation
Used my kids as weapons (still)
Cheated on me with a multitude of people including blood relatives.
Controlled my resources (just stole 1200 from me and my daughter)
Regarded me as useless, loser, unfit when I was out of work. (After working to put her through college. She refused to work through college. I did and got three degrees.)
She took my kids to another state. The court allowed it. I would have never seen my kids again or she would have made it impossible.

Police action for any of the abuse: None
Sympathetic friends and family: Hardly (Man up)
Are my daughter and I paying for her reign of terror: Yes

This list is actually much bigger. I'm leaving the more illegal stuff out.

I can't wait to show this to my daughter. She was actually men's rights before I was.