Couldn't think of a better place than RPC to post this question.

I'm dating a lot of girls at my University, and the pick-2 3-check axiom has proven itself consistently accurate

_ Hot

_ Single

_ Christian

I have found at best a 6/10 who is single and Christian (and over 20). She's really into me, and she's awesome. Intellectual, engaging, studies Engineering like me, and deeply wants to grow in Christ.

I think our subjective perceptions of beauty are a result of the Fall, but that's a theory at best and a rabbit hole of theological considerations regardless. My point is, I can't help but want a sexy girl. I guess my question is, should I abandon this desire like I do many of my other desires? Is it unbiblical? Solomon quotes about wanting a sexually attractive wife come to mind, but I am not sure it's enough to convince me that it's better for me to pursue more attractive but less godly women. Where is that balance?

Additionally, with a hot woman, I don't get the security of knowing there are less Chads pursuing her.