I'm curious about these trends. I know that The Red Pill is regarding a basic truth from evolution that hasn't changed, but the social climate has. We went from a society of marriage and more faithfulness, to a society where women have publicly terrible personalities.

Now, the factors of the red pill and female hypergamy have never changed, but the forces in our society certainly have, and feminism was definitely one of the driving catalysts for these changes.

My question is.. is it just me, or have a bulk of these changes been really really recent?

I know that having this forum lets gives us a bit of a selection bias, but hear me out..

In my younger years, I was blue pill for sure, but it didn't seem like much was driving me to the red pill. The girls I'd hook up with during that time were feminine and polite. Sure I got cheated on, which began my transformation, but even then, she had outwardly feminine qualities, not like the man-women filling bars today.

So my question is, has the attitude of women gotten noticeably worse recently? Or have I just managed to walk a statistical fence for the beginning of the last decade?

You can read my latest foray with a fembitch here: http://www.rooshvforum.com/thread-20790.html