Not all women are like that.

I must have just experienced the few bad ones. Right?

Hey, not every drive results in a crash, but you wear your seatbelt?

Not every ship sinks, but you include lifeboats?

Not every cigarette kills, but you don't smoke to avoid cancer?

Not every day it rains, but you keep an umbrella in your car?

Not everybody has an STD, but you use condoms every time?

Not every wild animal has rabies, but you avoid getting near them at the park?

Not every person will rob your house, but you lock your doors every time you leave?

Not every day you get sick, but you still have health insurance just in case?

Not every woman divorces you, but you avoid marriage to avoid divorce rape.

There's a pervasive myth that the red pill is about treating every woman as a definite threat. I think they really miss out on the idea here that not every person is a threat, but you take precautions to avoid scenarios that increase your chances.

Apparently that sort of thinking is unique to men. I'd like to say women can understand it, but then again, they seem pretty angry at us for using rational techniques like this. Nobody does a disservice to women's image like women.

Edit: I'd like to add a great example, because I hear this about marriage a lot. I hear people say it's overly paranoid to avoid marriage just because there are a few bad apples out there. I think the difference is in pragmatic thinking- for instance here's how I see the cards being held:

I don't think all women (or even most) will divorce rape you. However, when you're married, she holds the cards and you have zero options to intervene.

If you don't get married, this dilemma never exists, therefore you have all the cards in regards to divorce rape.

A prudent man ensures he is never stuck with zero options. It's not because all women are like that- it's because some are.