In poor, underdeveloped and/or backward countries, there is a culture whereby men will FORCE women to get married, and in general men will have the right to FORCE women to anything, and the female consent is absolutely dismissed and ignored. So, men don't get wives for how well qualified and how good they are as men; backward countries' men get wives because they have the right to force women into marriage, regardless of women's consent, and regardless of men's quality and worth.

Developed countries' men don't like getting women by force and against women's consent; developed countries' men have own pride and dignity and they want to get women because women themselves honestly and freely desire those men, because women honestly and freely consider those men are well qualified and worthy as men. This is why developed men expect female consent so much, and this is why developed men are much more ethical and noble. Developed men understand that they mustn't get women by force and regardless of female consent, but by SELF-IMPROVEMENT AND OWN MALE WORTH.

So, no matter how much the Red Pill gets criticized in developed societies, developed societies understand the truth, the ethical validity and the necessity of the Red Pill. The more developed, the more Red Pill.

This is the easy reason (easy =/= lazy).