He tweeted this in response to the video of the woman walking through NYC for 10 hours, getting called beautiful:

i wanna apologize to all the women that ive harrassed with statements like "hi" or "have a nice day" or "youre beautiful". i cant imagine what that must feel like. the closest thing I've experienced is maybe when a girl recognizes me from tv and they say things like "AHHHH!! OH MY GOD!! SNL SNL SNL!! TAKE A PICTURE!! TAKE A PICTURE!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! WHATS YOUR NAME AGAIN?! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! WAIT SAY SOMETHING FUNNY!!" but even that is nothing like the harrassment of having a complete stranger tell me to "smile."

Naturally, we can't have a man claiming that he actually receives more harassment than a woman, so people tweet in response vague attacks on him that ignore his point.

Che follows up with some agree & amplify

i think some of u are misunderstanding that post. im simply just making fun of something that is important to a lot of people.

People still want his head on a platter, so he offers up another apology, not backing down and demonstrating some MGTOW ideas.

i wanna apologize for my last apology. sometimes i forget that i belong to all of you now, and that any thought i have should be filtered through you, and receive ur approval. its tough, because im used to taking risks and finding humor in places of discomfort. but thats all over, cause i have a job on tv. and if i say the wrong thing youll see to it that its taken away. so the next time i have a silly thought, ill giggle to myself, keep my mouth shut, & post a picture with my arm around a more famous person i met somewhere.

It's odd that the side that constantly calls for a "conversation" on these issues immediately tries to shut down anyone talking about it in a way they don't approve of.