As a conservative/Libertarian type, one thing that makes my fucking day is to see leftists suffer the unintended consequences of their bullshit policies. Exhibit A for today: Women have been claiming for so long that they're equal to men in every way that people are starting to believe them. They celebrated winning the right to go into combat without really thinking through what that means. Par for the course for leftists. Now they're freaking out because the military has said, "Great, so now that you're the equal of a man, you get to be eligible for the draft!"

What's especially great about this is that feminists are exposing themselves with their reactions. Many are blowing the whistle on themselves, saying "Wait, feminism isn't about equality." This is news to most everybody but us.

Also, it shoves their face into an uncomfortable fact - rights and privileges come with obligations attached. They've never understood this, but honestly, I think that this is our way out. They have to be made to realize this. Once they do, 99% of them will want to be housewives.