Good morning gentlemen!

It's been a minute since I've made a post to TRP. I've been busy getting things in my life together, and I needed time to dedicate to myself.

I came across this link this morning, and it just continues to verify the improper mindset of the current woman.

I do believe TRP is the essential source for men of all ages to be prepared for the modern world. I am so grateful for the lessons learned here.

The woman in this article has it all. Money, a high paying job, and yet she seems empty inside. She states "I have no husband and no children." By admitting this, she has said why she is incomplete.

Women have been deceived to believe that being rich, or mass consumerism is a great thing, and that the family is not a source of happiness. When will they wake up? It'll be hard to say. I think this is something that has to be unlearned, just as men who come to TRP had to accept and unlearn the Blue Pill fantasy.

Women like this are so vulnerable for attention that you can easily spin them as plates. Granted, they are post-wall, but I don't think all women are self-aware of how the wall works.

There is no replacement for human touch. Feminism has worked relentlessly to mislead what happiness is. For men, its blue pill. For women, its "independence".

Have a great weekend, TRP!