I. Newbie stage: what is this aggressive fantasy shit?

The average newcomer is probably a young man, out of shape, n-count below 5, addicted to porn and ready to jump through hoops and into a relationship for the first sweet chubby girl who will suck his dick. We’ve all been like this.

Newbie starts lurking at the sub and at first is disgusted by the women-bashing that goes against his core values. The language is for sure very direct and vulgar, and the stories about how these hot college girls were competing to suck the cock of this older guy are really hard to believe.. “What a bunch of fake-macho assholes, they’re probably all virgins and this is fantasy world”, he thinks. Yet something rings true in these stories and for whatever reason, he keeps coming back to the sub.

Lesson learned at this stage: what brought you to TheRedPill is obviously you natural craving for pussy, but also humility. It’s hard to admit that a lot of things you have been taught are wrong, and that you actually don’t know shit. Humility is necessary for growth, without humility you wouldn’t have found TRP. Keep this in mind for the future, when you stop being humble you stop growing.

Risk: the risk at this stage is to hold on for dear life to your bluepill mindset and to your ego, and reject the redpill without actually taking the time to dig in a little.


II. The truth sinks in like a dark cloud

You’ve tried to resist the Truth, because it’s ugly and cold, and it doesn’t sit well with you. But the Truth doesn’t care about your feelings, it just is. Sure, in the upcoming weeks you will apply redpill principles and will be amazed to see them work so well, but you already know it’s the Truth even before you have had the chance to test it: Briffault’s law, the Hamster, female love vs male love, it just hits you in the face and you can’t escape it.

Let’s be fair, this is all VERY depressing. You enter the anger phase. Fuck this society and these lies. Fuck women, I hate them! What’s the point of living this masquerade? You recall all the instances when you thought a woman was actually caring about you, when she was in fact using you. You cringe at the recent memories of bluepill you acting like a doormat.

Lesson learned at this stage: Life in itself is no fairy tale. Swallowing the pill and learning the truth doesn’t make you happier, actually it’s the opposite at first, it makes you sadder.

Risk: The risk is to give in to this desperate state, and say “fuck everything, I’ll just stay home and wank to porn and play video games”. You blame your thirst for pussy, and declare you don’t need women. Problem is, it’s not really about pussy in the end. Blue pill society has made you believe that it’s ok to be weak and the lowest version of yourself. But now TRP teaches you that women won’t get wet for that, rightfully so. If you don’t want to improve and be the best you can be, just admit it and don’t lie to yourself by saying it’s about not wanting pussy. No, it’s about not wanting to grow. Looking at you, the angry half of MGTOW.


III. Ooh so now women want me? I fucking hate them. And those amogging alphas too

A few weeks in, you’ve hit the gym and the first gains are showing fast. Thank god for this boost of confidence, because the rest is much slower: it takes time to internalize everything. You try to act Alpha but you only end up looking like a dick, because it comes from a place of anger rather than confidence. You start spouting some redpill truths that no one wants to hear in a social setting.

But at least you have developed some self-respect and you’d rather lose the girl than act like a doormat. And just like that, you start having some success, albeit limited at first. More important, your eyes are now open and you’re impressed to see how women manipulate and can be manipulated, how superficial they are, how much they fake and lie, etc. The more it works, the more you get pussy, the more you start to hate women for loving the new you more than the old you.

You get average girls with no problem, but your confidence is shattered the minute a true Alpha Chad appears. Suddenly you cease to exist in women’s eyes, he’s so much cooler than you, effortlessly. You feel amogged and you respond by being aggressive against this dude who steals your thunder, and you look like a douche. But as long as Chad isn’t around, you’re doing fine.

Lesson learned at this stage: Be careful what you wished for. You wanted the secret code to have unlimited pussy? Well now that you have it, it doesn’t seem so fun anymore. Understanding nature deprives you of mystery and fantasy.

Risk: You start hating what you crave the most. The risk is to not snap out of this, and become a lying sociopath who relishes using and hurting other people. Also, your friends are really not okay with you improving and disturbing the social balance that was set in your group. They make fun of you trying to improve and, if you listen to them, you’ll be back to smoking weed and playing video games at home every night.


IV. You get pussy, he gets pussy, everyone gets pussy!! And now you’re a social object

A couple of years after swallowing the pill, if you’ve been dedicated to improving, everything becomes natural. You have risen to the top of your social circles. You have social power now, and you understand that this is the currency women live for. Girls, but also guys, bug you constantly and insist just to spend time with you. You must learn how to say ‘no’, to average girls coming straight at you, to beta friends who guilt you into spending another Friday with them, to family members, colleagues, etc. Your social life is boosted and your social media start to be filled with new events and faces. One good thing is that after hating women and their nature, you learn to appreciate them again, but this time for what they really are: bubbly, beautiful creatures that only live in the present and remind us to enjoy every minute of our lives.

Also, you fuck. A LOT. Constantly. Your n-count rises up by dozens in a few months. At parties, good-looking girls come at you and actually compete with one another for your attention. You have multiple plates, you don’t care about dropping some because there are always new women that you are vetting just for the privilege to become part of the rotation. More scaringly, most of your beta friends’ girlfriends have made a move to fuck you. You have, ultimately, the power. And so, the moral responsibility is now your burden, as well as the task to unbetafy your friends.

Lesson learned at this stage: Everybody you know, in your expanding social circle, wants a piece of you. Even if they can’t fuck you, they want to be seen with you, to show you off, just to increase their social value. You start to understand how hot girls, who get a thousand times more attention, become jaded and bitchy. It’s hard to have to reject people constantly while maintaining a good-hearted spirit.

Risk: You are now the king of your own little kingdom, you fuck 6s and 7s constantly with no effort, they just come knocking at your door. Your friends -and their girlfriends- revere you. The risk is to enjoy this too much, be satisfied and stop improving. Soon enough you end up marrying a good looking 6 and get fat while watching football with the same beta friends you had. Still better than your past self, but you could do so much more.. This point is actually where I think a lot of redpillers get stuck. They stop improving the minute all their needs are met.


V. Pizza is awesome, but in the end it’s just pizza. Let’s look for more important things

It’s been a few years now, and you’ve grown into a full-blown alpha. You look much better than you ever did. Not only is your physical frame solid, but also knowing the Truth has molded your brain in a different way, and as mind and body align, you start to have a different stare, a different voice that comes from within, a confident demeanor, a calm and solid posture. People say you’ve changed, but they can’t really pinpoint why. This is why: you own 100% of your shit, you’re basically unshameable. If you get wasted at a bar you’ll still hit on the hottest girl, and will get her to come home, and if you go soft the hot girl will actually be turned on by how much you don’t care about losing her. You’ve had threesomes, sex with gorgeous girls 15 years younger, blowjobs from girls you met in an elevator. You don’t lie because you don’t need to lie anymore. You can tell a girl that you just fucked another girl two hours ago in the same sheets, it doesn’t matter, if she leaves there are so many in line. You realize the stories you read on The Red Pill when you were a newbie were all true, as the same crazy things happen to you, and more.

At this point, pussy is in free access. It’s like pizza. You love it, everybody loves pizza, even bad pizza is still pizza. A few years ago you would have eaten pizza every day if you had the chance, but now you realize it’s just a cool thing you can get whenever you want. You start to enjoy other things than women, like finding and dedicating yourself to your mission, the real friends you have, etc.

Lesson learned at this stage: Now when another Alpha enters the room, you’re actually genuinely happy. What you thought was amogging a few years ago, is actually him testing you to see if you’re solid. Now you stand your ground and banter back, and both guys are delighted to meet another real man in an ocean of male and female betas. Also, neither of you cares about who gets the hottest girl because you have so many chicks lined up, and that’s how you know you’re both Chads. And when you end up turning one of your beta friends into an alpha, there is no better feeling than this.

Risk: In all your masculine glory, you have applied your skills and efforts to something (getting pussy), and have mastered this art. See how amazing that feels, to be on top of that mountain? But there are way bigger mountains around, things more worthy of your masculine energy than pussy. Don’t get stuck on such a trivial thing, find your mission and focus on it.