We operate on a completely instinctual world, no matter how much we pretend we're above our primal instincts, we are not. My friends fiance recently called it quits after 4 years of a smooth relationship. He dropped his frame for a second, and opened up to her about his insecurities, he was going in heavy regarding being sexually abused as a child, and how it mentally fucked him up, and was crying in her arms. Not even 2 weeks later, she suddenly called it off. This was the first time he ever opened up like this, and even I being his best friend was not aware this happened to him. Women look for security in a man, and once they smell any sense of insecurity they leave, despite how fucked up the situation is. It's best to talk about these things with a male friend, or a female friend you are not sexually involved with assuming she keeps her mouth shut. This is not all women, and I imagine there are a few out there with a more caring spirit that can look past this, but it is not worth the risk. It is so sad, that this is the world we live in, but needless to say, and one of my favorite sayings that still holds true. "Women do not build, they move in".