Toxic femininity - Dismissing the silly sexist trope that if women are in majority power they would create utopias. Gender balance is of course good, but the notion of women together would create utopias is as absurd (female dominated professions and environments are often hell) as it is sexist.

Read article above about what happened when a woman created her utopia of a female only work place.

This post is not meant to say women are bad. It is simply posted to highlight the stupid sexist tropes going around about how all ills in the world and wars etc are made by men (conveniently forgetting war isn't a male decision; women vote to go to war just as much as men, and even shame men who don't fight e.g. white feather that even the suffragettes took part in; the difference being women vote FOR MEN to actually go and fight and leave the women and children alone. Also conveniently forgetting that if men are resole for war, then they are responsible for almost all invention, exploration (new continents, oceans, mountains, deserts, arctic), innovations, social change and progress, art, music, science etc.

It challenges the notion that "if women ruled it, the world would be an ideal utopia, toxic masculinity will not be there to harm males and others around them,etc. I mean this idea has also been put forward by Barack Obama!

Also I would like to point out that female dominated institutions that exist right now are far from utopias:

NURSING - known for large amounts of bullying culture, shaming, even racism, and tribal nature

OBGYN, PAEDS -> female dominated specialties that have many institutional problems. Some of the highest attrition / drop out / burnout rates compared to all medical specialities (PAEDS is often the sociality with highest dropouts in many countries and this along with OBGYN has the most lawsuits)

SCHOOLS -> Considering most women are primary caregivers and most boys and girls don't see a single male teacher until high school I am surprised feminists are not blaming more social ills on women raising children... not that they should, but the blame men for everything else... and this also goes against the idea of patriarchy... it is women controlling the kids and teaching them... that aside, there is a crisis in the school system which has been for long female dominated sector

NUNS -> abuse, even torture, bullying, cliques

FEMINISM -> in civil war constantly, TERFs, Equity feminists, Choice feminists, Intersectionalists (the various intersections even fight among each other). Women are regularly kicked out of feminist groups, and "no platformed" which means they are blocked from speaking, often violently. Even given death and rape threats (e.g. CHS, Erin Prizzey - who should be a hero of their but has been completely kicked out feminism)

Learn more about toxic femininity here. Please note I do not personally like the gendering of a term like this as it represent bad behaviour that either gender can do - yes it is primarily female, but it can be anyone. One again though for balance, to the argument of toxic masculinity (which is a stupid term a it merely represent bad behaviour not gendered behaviour)