So I was interested in finding out if there are other people who came here after some time spent in r/deadbedrooms.

My background: mid thirties, in a ltr for 7 years. When I first started noticing that my girlfriend isn't interested in sex anymore, I started to look for answers. From /relationships I ended in /deadbedrooms, where at first I was like "hey, i'm not the only one having this problems". For a year I posted and replied in DB, going through all the motions the people there suggest to everyone. Having "the talk". Making a plan. Withdrawing from sex. Trying to convince her. You know them all. Of course, while I did all that she just waited for me to come to my senses and be a man.

I was entertaining the thought of leaving, when I somehow found theredpill and i became enraged. I felt lied, deceived, I was even more willing to just let the relationship go. Somehow, during that time, sex was again happening. Even blowjobs became more frequent than one every two months. Untill I found MRP, it was all "reading, thinking, not much action". When i found MRP, i was stunned to see field reports; examples; situations explained; how others did, what they said, how they behave. It was a new experience. First step was to read NMMNG and oh boy, what a read it was. If only I would have found that book sooner.

After some time I went back to read what people in /deadbedrooms are still doing. As you can guess, not much has changed. Same people giving the same advice. I mean, there are people there commenting for over a year and a half and not a single thing has changed for them. I felt sad. I tried to post some help, but when you suggest a simple step for them to make, like reading NMMNG and you are downvoted, you just leave that sad place and hope that those poor souls in there catch an idea and hopefully seek help in other subs. Since any form of the help we provide here is basically downvoted on that sub, maybe if those people see this, by any chance, can make a connection with their situation and see the light.

So, people who came here from r/deadbedrooms, what's your previous experience and how did you end up here on r/marriedredpill?