Listen up faggots, let's go back to our textbooks and review our notes on how to build Attraction.

If you are not flirting or Gaming your wife, she isn’t going to fuck you. Gaming builds her level of attraction for you. Just because you married her and dedicated your life to her, doesn’t make her want to fuck you. If she’s not fucking you, she’s not attracted to you.

You must develop this skill- because married game requires you to game the same woman every day, day in and day out. If you don't understand the concept, she will friend zone you quickly and you will be shit tested to death. She'll turn into a harpy, nagging, sexless little cunt. Ask me how I know.

For you STEM nerds, Attraction is a differential:

Attraction = High Value – Low Value.

You want that fucking sweet Rolex, right? Why? Because it has high fucking value. You can Feelz that excitement and attraction for it. You look UP to it. It’s way UP there. You are DOWN here, looking up.

You must come at your wife as a person with high SMV. Up your SMV by doing all the things we talk about here. Never come at her from the same SMV level or a lower SMV level. She will not Feelz the attraction. For betas in shit dead bedrooms for years, she already knows all your beta tendencies and faggotty ways, it can be done, but the sex comes last.

How do you build Attraction?

You generate attraction by breaking Rapport. For you faggot retards, Rapport means “a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well”.

Rapport is great for building comfort, but not for producing Tingles ™. Rapport dries up that pussy really fast.

You build Rapport by small talking, being Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Agreeable, Mr. Understanding, Mr. Predicable, Mr. Boring.

Rapport is the OPPOSITE of ATTRACTION.

You break rapport by first giving her a compliment, and then taking it away by teasing her, challenging her, being a little disagreeable, and having a cocky, arrogant, playful frame. You tease her, challenge her, and game her. You make her qualify herself to you. You poke fun at her, treat her as a little teenager, you have a cocky smirk on your face - all done in a playful kind of way. Subconsciously, she'll sense that your SMV is higher than hers. This is how you build Attraction. She needs to Feelz that SMV differential. She needs to be looking UP at you, while you are looking DOWN at her.

I’m not going to list things to do- like grabbing her ass, 10 sec kisses, picking her up and grinding her on the edge of the kitchen counter, mocking her, etc. Come up with your own list and share notes. Anything on a list is all things confident cocky men just do.

Bottom line:

Build attraction by breaking Rapport. Stop being Mr. Boring Predicable Nice Guy that has bitterness in the air.

You need to treat your wife like a girlfriend you are trying to fuck.

Break Rapport.