So... I'm early on my journey (again, not sure why I fell off but anyway). My wife, mom of our two little ones recently told me the reason she doesn't want to have sex (let's put it this way, jerking off doesn't do the job and my human need for sex with a human is over the moon) is that she isn't comfortable with the way she looks (overweight and psoriasis). Do I want a wife that is motivated to fix herself when she sees flaws, yes... I've offered my support but ultimately put it as, 'its hard work and I'll help you, but I'm not going to waste my time in it if you don't want it'. (By all means it should piss her off that she can't meet my needs and doesn't even recognize that she has some buried somewhere. She did tell me that she feels like I pester and bug her about sex all the time... (I do make comments sexual where I can,

So back to the title of this post - she's a reflection of me... I've fallen off the boat of red pill several times for several reasons which ultimately go back to me being a faggot... Drunk captain, DEER expert.

My question is if AWALT, she should come along on a semi parallel journey, correct? I can't force her. It's like a dog on a very long loose leash she'll finally have to if I'm going the other direction at 100mph and she's stopped.

Anyway it feels like I shouldn't go 100% full speed with all concepts I've learned, but incramentally. as men we're logical so I'm trying to find a plan that tells me where ...

So how can I lead her to better ideas I'm making, in a way that gets her excited again. She just won't play along and she still won't fuck me if she thinks she's ugly she probably will not fuck me regardless...

Anywho -- general dialog is always helpful. Please let me know any up front info u might have that can help my frame or that I can use to get her to lose her pants.