Sunday night we had a get together for my wife's birthday. She works at a bar and the owners shut the place down that night just for us. We were having a good time until her boss had made an out of line comment. She had asked me if she had seen her juice, he over heard and said "i got some juice for you, some real good juice." (In a secual way) At the moment i just shook my head and looked at him. My wife said nothing until i asked her and she says that she dosent know where that came from. He also made a comment about drugging her drinks (wtf?).

Its less than 48 hrs later and i really want to say something. He was disrespectful and inappropriate. Im not friends with this asshole so i didnt take it as a joke.

I want to pull him on the side today and tell him that what he said was disrespectful, because if i said that to his wife (which i recieve soft kino from) he would probably flip out.

Am i being a little bitch by overreacting or am i a pussy for underreacting. Is it too late to confront? If