So my LTR of 5 years has decided to go on an overseas holiday to Europe for a month by her self. I told her I’m not keen on her traveling solo and staying in hostels with dudes looking to fuck. She wouldn’t listen and said she is going to go regardless. Tickets have been purchased and there are contiki pamphlets sitting on the table.

At this point I have had enough and want out of the relationship. She wants multiple kids She wants to get married to me She earns more than me She is a psychologist She is a raging feminist We have sex only like once a month and it’s boring sex She is emotionally manipulative Always trying to get me to work harder and save for more holidays, higher rent, better clothes etc.

So I’m thinking that while she is away I am going to move my shit out of the house and leave. Right before she comes back I will send her a message saying that when you get back I will have moved my shit out and will no longer be in the relationship. I then plan on blocking her phone and social media. I won’t even read her replies. Do you guys think this is a dick move? I’ve tried breaking up in person before and I just couldn’t do it... I didn’t have the balls, she started crying etc..

I know it are meant to sit down and have some conversation or something.. but I can’t seem to do it and I don’t want to ruin the rest of my life because I don’t have the guts to dump her face to face. I know I’m being a coward... but I got to what I got to do right?