I got into this stuff about 4 years ago and consistently read it when I needed it for a couple years. I faded away as I got my shit together, but now starting to look into it again with a new lens... the thing is, this isn't really the subs I remember.

The AskTRP I remember had 30 comments on an average post. The TRP sub had maybe 100. Where did everybody go? I know the TRP sub got quarantined, and I actually happened to check TRP that day. But damn, it really did that much? Did everyone migrate to a new sub? I don't really like the layout of the TRP.Red site, so I haven't checked it out much. Is that where shit is happening now?

The ironic part is that in my real life TRP concepts have never been more mainstream. I run into people all the time using terms like "Chad" and actually knowing what TRP is. So, it's definitely not dead. Where the fuck is it? Lmao

Edit: Wow, this post got a lot of attention. Glad to see others had similar thoughts.