They were built for a time when the gods used to make the sun go away, time to let them go. --Me

This is an illustrative example.

One of the biggest peeves that bored college women and housewives have is the lack of Rigor in TRP. Show me the research paper where it says that I want to fuck alphas and marry betas? If this is the message you take from this, it's your own fault for being a retard.

Why Vs How

Why is what got us the Greek mythical gods, how is what got us the steam engine.
Why developed the idea of equal genders, how got us laid with PUA.
Why is the question of a 9 year old, how is the question of a man.

For some background, if you have 30 minutes, and remember back when they weren't progressive feelgood circlejerks, one of the better TED talks out there, David Deutch Talks about good explanations versus bad ones.

Before the Scientific Revolution, they believed that everything important, knowable, was already known, enshrined in ancient writings, institutions, and in some genuinely useful rules of thumb --which were, however, entrenched as dogmas, along with many falsehoods. So they believed that knowledge came from authorities that actually knew very little. And therefore progress depended on learning how to reject the authority of learned men, priests, traditions and rulers. Which is why the Scientific Revolution had to have a wider context.

I think TRP, and the manosphere in general, follows along the same thread as the scientific revolution. None of the enlightenment had replicability errors in their research papers, or research papers at all. They tried things, reported findings, and came up with explanations, simple. If it didn't work, you'd find out in the obituary the next day. The key part, is explanations that aren't able to be varied to fit the facts. The red pill is in it's infancy still, and broadly speaking, the manosphere has only been around since the dawn of the millennials, created by the GenX demographic. And there's a lot of why questions in there.

They are all garbage, all of them.

Women are AWALT because of all kinds of reasons.

  • Because shitty fathers
  • Because beta males validation
  • Because internetBecause tinder
  • Because no-fault divorce
  • Because globalism.

I mean, at the end of the day, does any of that really matter? Is it really anything more than mental masturbation? I don't see it as useful. Maybe there's some magic formula, some legislation that will make the world work for me, one wouldn't be the first egomaniac who thought they could change the world. Point is, TRP is never about changing the world, you can't control the world is the prevailing theme. It's guys swapping notes.

That's all. Guys swapping notes

This easy variability is the sign of a bad explanation, because, without a functional reason to prefer one of countless variants, advocating one of them, in preference to the others, is irrational. So, for the essence of what makes the difference to enable progress, seek good explanations, the ones that can't be easily varied, while still explaining the phenomena.

Again, this is why why is a shitty question. You'll maybe get it right, but there's too many variables, so you probably won't. AWALT because of X? Well, all it takes is one dude who brainwashed his daughter into thinking she's a man, some autistic girl with a boob job, and it all comes crumbling down. To what end? So that you can dismiss the obvious things happening around you? Fuck that. Guys weren't learning PUA to learn why they weren't getting laid. They did it to learn how to get laid. And you need to learn how to be a man, ask men who have done it, hear what worked, apply it for yourself.

Keep it simple, do what works, ditch what doesn't

I can't make it simpler, more actionable, and harder to bullshit yourself than this advice. If you have to think of a reason to explain why you're doing dumb shit, then you're bullshitting yourself. People aren't that hard to figure out, once you learn to put the ego away. Women want the toy on the top shelf, the toy that doesn't want them.

I could go on. The only thing in the way of you getting what you want, is you, and your bullshit expectations. This is simple, to the point where everyone laughs at it's core. What, you guys just lift and be confident? Don't go into a situation where you have at least a 50/50 shot at getting fucked? Dude, everyone knows that already, it's common sense! Except it isn't. Everyone is confident, and thinks they are in shape, just like everyone goes into a fight with a gameplan... Which works until you get punched in the face.

Stop it

Stop worrying about why, why they do what they do, why you should lift, and shut your stupid whore mouth when you want to cry. Stop thinking you need to have her on board with your every decision, and why you can't persuade her to suck your dick while you're telling her your plan for the house. Why, why, why, are you a faggot?

Stop thinking in why start thinking in how.

  • How do you get valuable people to adore you? Be valuable.
  • How do you get valuable? Be the guy women want to fuck.
  • How do you get your dick wet? Be attractive, don't be unattractive.
  • How do you be attractive? Dress well, lift, eat clean, lay off the vices
  • How do you be not unattractive? Don't cry like a bitch, be irrationally confident, internalize you're the prize, own your fucking adult life.

I guarantee, if you start building muscle, losing fat, and stop acting like a child/woman, 80% of your work is already done. I never figured out why this stuff works, it's outside the scope of the plan.

Your plan is to be valuable, for it's own sake, why is the question of the lazy, because why gives you a bullshit reason to doubt things, instead of seeing them for yourself. Why is the question you ask people more valuable than you, to give you any reason to dismiss what they say, if they even bother to answer you. Most truly valuable people won't waste their time on some child asking why they need to eat their vegetables, they are too busy to waste time spinning their wheels.

So stop asking why, start asking how