This woman is in the process of throwing a self-described irrational, emotionally-driven rant.

The husband does good, ignoring, then trying to leave. She blocks him and gets in his way. He picks her up, puts her on the counter and angry-fucks her, and calms her the fuck down. She sends a thank you text in the morning and posts to /r/sex to try and understand why it shifted her whole emotional state that was bothering her throughout the week.


Had a similar experience this evening. Came home late from work, showered, cuddled my sleepy LTR (lying in bed, beseeching me to sleep) as a little hello and then said I needed to sit (meditate) and she groaned and whined and clutched onto me and it was annoying and angst-provoking for both of us.

So, I grabbed her from behind and bit into the outer edge of her ear, just above the lobe, breathed animalistic-like into it and nibbled it and all up and down, with a bit of tongue. The nibbling with the hard breathing, with the aggressiveness, it is an instant turn on for her. I know a lot of guys on here are struggling with getting sex from their woman. That's not my issue. My issue is actually a bit the reverse. I wish I was turned on more often. And I wish I knew how to deal with her whining whimpering alter-ego which pops up when she's insecure and tries to bind me to her presence.

Well, tonight, after giving her this sort of super-intense stimulation which literally pushed her right to the edge of what was tolerable, she relaxed, super deeply. She was literally spent, on some level. She didn't even move as I got up to do my sit. In under ten minutes she was gently snoring.

Spiking her sexual energy to amp up and calm her down may be a technique well worth honing. Wanted to share.