I never hid things because I was taught to "man up" or "not show emotions". What I found was that other people just didn't care and didn't want to help. 193 upvotes | March 15, 2021 | by Forgetaboutthelonely ------------------------- CROSSPOST "I NEVER HID THINGS BECAUSE I WAS TAUGHT TO "MAN UP" OR "NOT SHOW EMOTIONS". WHAT I FOUND WAS THAT OTHER PEOPLE JUST DIDN'T CARE AND DIDN'T WANT TO HELP." FROM /R/TRUEOFFMYCHEST: ------------------------- I used to have really severe anxiety and panic attacks. And I was ashamed of it. To the point that I hid it and bottled it up. Including from my own therapists. It was not healthy. However I don't think I hid things because I was taught to "man up" or "not show emotions". What I found was that other people just didn't care and didn't want to help. The "suck it up" message came from a real place of _"we don't care enough about you to help you, so we'd rather you not bother us with your problems"_. The big message nowadays is that people need to open up, but I think that is a little misguided. It's not always that person's fault that they're bottling things up. In fact it almost feels a little like victim blaming. What we need to do is tell people to care about other people who are going through things. If other people cared enough to help, we would speak up and take that help. Trust me. PS: Reddit has always been very sympathetic and helpful. So thank you. ------------------------- Posted by Silver_Negotiation_2 | 13 March 2021 | Link [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m48wig/i_never_hid_things_because_i_was_taught_to_man_up/] ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1061723