Men and the sexual side-effects of anti-depressants 12 upvotes | April 6, 2020 | by peanutbutterjams ------------------------- Many men suffer from depression and anti-depressants help many people deal with depression. However, there's a uniquely male barrier to taking anti-depressants: virility. I'm on a medication right now (not anti-depressants) that's almost completely removed both sexual ability and interest and it got me thinking how this might affect men. I am luckily in a relationship founded upon love and respect with no expectation of gender normativity from either side but many relationships are based on both partners fulfilling their expected gender roles. For men, one of these roles is to be (1) constantly interested in sex and (2) able at any time to sexually perform. If a man is on anti-depressants (or one of the many other medications with sexual side effects), then this is an expectation they will no longer be able to fulfill. Whether or not their partner sees them as 'less manly' because of this, the fear would still exist and deserves consideration. How many men don't get help that's available for their mental health because of this gender expectation or because of their fear in being unable to live up to this gender expectation? ------------------------- Archived from