Final Stage: are you happy mate? 128 upvotes | February 7, 2022 | by zino193 ------------------------- The final stage in life is that of reaping what you sow. That's all of life actually. The joys of life are about being prepared to take advantage of the opportunities we encounter, the tragedy of life is what we end up with when the unplanned has to be dealt with based on what you had in reserves. What did you Red Pill army sow in the last 5 to 6 years? Did you fake it good, hoping you will make it? Did you hustled and grind' selling shit products and services to american idiots with more money than sense? Did you scalp and scrapped the best out of women, the stock market or the daily ups and downs of Crypto? Or did you protect? Nurture? Educate? Did you use your Red Pill TrueSight to raise people up. Did you use your capitalist touch to empower lost young men and motivate them to learn a skill, to provide services and to be able to support themselfs. Did you use that naughty Dom dick to corrupt the innocent or to sooth the corrupted, demand more from them as people and get them to fucking grow up? Do you know whether you are a good person, objectively, or not? None of that post-structualist BS - are you going to sit with your granpa in heaven and recall your debauchery with a smirk because when all is said and done, you did good, or will you feel ashamed, because in the end, it didn't matter? Some say - that's actually hell/heaven. Hindsight over our actions and the psychological scars we create between our identity and the person we become through our actions. As a full atheist I agree. Secret to life, red pill life as well is congruence. Your future self needs to be able to stand on the sidelines of your life and explain to your 10 year old self, how awesome you are right now. This is a burden nobody will release you from. Do or do not, you will be responsible for how it turns out. You have truesight. You know how the chips fall. How the slut stumbles into the dude, how the simp rationalizes his emotional codependence, how the 30 year old will work her arse off to get some semblance of a healthy relationship. And you know how none of them will admit it, how they all need to protect their ego and identity. With power comes responsibility, and the regret of not using it. So it's not trp, it's not the women, it's not politics. It's you mate, it's you and the fact that at your core you still don't want to do the work required to be the person you want to be. The person your 10 year old self would admire, and the person your 60 year old self would nod at. Want to play the field, stop meal cheating, and sign 2 hours per day for working out and 2 hours just dating. Want a relationship and family - go where there's a family friendly culture and date a shopkeeper with a kind personality. Want love and companionship - find a widow, mother with a kid that was out of luck - love her and make her happy gratuitously without asking for anything - just do it because you want to and leave when you stop liking her (if you don't understand this, don't do it) You have the power. You are just scared to use it because the results will fully be yours to own, good or bad. But I can guarantee that if you don't use it, the result will always be bad. ------------------------- Archived from