Woman love to be validated and beta men will line up to provide this to them. My view on a post on r/theredpill 25 upvotes | April 26, 2014 | by SwimmingDutch ------------------------- I was angered after reading a recent post on theredpill: Step one: (pretend to) be a woman (no tits where shown) Step two: pick a subject you know men love ie "blowjob" Step three: tell them how you were a bad girl but you are now "reformed" and are a good cock sucking girl. Step four: Watch the validation role in: 400+ votes at the moment and around 252 comments. "She" even edited the post and ended with a :) to show how happy she was with the "discussion" (attention/validation). Hell, thinking more about it, have you ever seen a smiley on the redpill???? http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/23ycm5/a_womans_perspective_on_getting_a_blowjob/ I believe this post should have been deleted by the mods as only a month ago this was posted: http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/218db5/tits_or_gtfo/ Perhaps we could ask u/IllimitableMan [/u/IllimitableMan] to try hammering in even more Machiavellianism into the redpill as we should try to look deeper into the possible reasons for the actions of people. What do they have to gain by there actions. Do you agree with my premises that woman who post on the redpill do so with the "basic" or "back of the mind" intention of having themselves be validated by being "different and/or better" than "the rest"? Do you agree that they should not be allowed to post at the redpill and the post should be deleted/ moved to redpillwoman? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1124276