Why do you women use men? 0 upvotes | October 28, 2022 | by roseonyxa ------------------------- Why do women get married and raise babies with the biological father and desire this plan when I keep hearing narratives of women fantasing of paternal uncertainty and detatching emotions from sex so easily. I read articles where the authors romanticize the paternal uncertainty, short lived relationships in tribes to contest the evils of paternal certainity and life long bonds found in western societies. Do you women really hate paternal certainity and long-term relationship with biological father's so much in your genes that you use us men as your masturbation toy and dispose us when you are done with us. Do you only seek out marriage because society expects you? I apologize for being vile in this post I am just in a bad mood today ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1139494