X-Post: My (27m) fiancée (27f) is upset I missed dinner with her parents to take care of my son (7) -- What the hell is wrong with these people who see him as more in the wrong than she was? 0 upvotes | August 27, 2022 | by TriggurWarning ------------------------- CROSSPOST "MY (27M) FIANCÉE (27F) IS UPSET I MISSED DINNER WITH HER PARENTS TO TAKE CARE OF MY SON (7)" FROM /R/RELATIONSHIP_ADVICE: ------------------------- Last night, I was supposed to meet her and her parents for dinner. My son was sick that night, so his mom and I decided to take him to the hospital. I texted my fiancée telling her I was going to be late, and she said it was fine. After, I decided to stay with my son and his mom to take care of him. I genuinely forgot about the dinner, until she sent me several texts saying "wow did you forget I existed" "why do you even need me when you already have a family?" Now she's ignoring my texts and calls. How do I fix this? ------------------------- Posted by throwra37373-06 | 27 August 2022 | Link [https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/wz26yx/my_27m_fiancée_27f_is_upset_i_missed_dinner_with/] ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1139635