There's no point in having this sub if all viewpoints are not welcome. 14 upvotes | February 28, 2023 | by inkwell745 ------------------------- I posted a blackpilled thread about ugly women yesterday, and it literally got taken down because the transsexuals and very unattractive and medically overweight women at twoX got triggered and brigaded and reported the thread. The mod through no fault of his own had to take down the thread for the sake of the sub. What the point of having the name "AllPillDebate", when clearly the viewpoints allowed here are only bluepills and the most delusional redpills. This sub is quite literally no different than PPD then cause they straight up don't let the blackpill over there. What's the point of even having the "blackpilled" flair, if the moment you actually post a genuine blackpill, it eventually gets taken down? What's the point of even having the name "AllPillDebate", when you are going to be at the mercy of other subreddits and will have to delete threads cause of the pressure they put on you? This sub just needs to be renamed to "darkerPPD" cause really the only content allowed here is slightly more delusional bluepills and redpills than on the normal PPD subreddit. And watch, I bet this thread is going to get brigaded and taken down too. 😂😂😂 ------------------------- Archived from