He's right. The tremendous suffering caused that women don't have to go through is like a relative superpower for women and drives their relative success in sterile current year. It's just like an antidepressant 4 upvotes | March 10, 2023 | by Dreaminofthepasts ------------------------- CROSSPOST "THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM IS THE LIBIDO GAP BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN" FROM /R/PURPLEPILLDEBATE: ------------------------- The main problem between men and women is the difference in libido. Men will never be free and women will never be comfortable if men have the same libido we had when we lived in tribes and as savages. However, understandably, men don't want to lose the advantage of testosterone, such as muscle mass and strength, by lowering it. Women usually don't want to have a higher libido either. What is the point of being horny most of the time if you are not getting any sex? At best it would be a motivation to improve, but more often it is a distraction to other goals and frustration if it cannot be satisfied (which is true for most men, even those in relationships). I don't think this libido can be fixed anytime soon, but if we get a drug to lower libido while keeping all other benefits of testosterone, men will finally be free. It will be as revolutionary as the pill was for women. Some people may say that men reducing their libido may imply a collapse in population, but honestly there is already a collapse in population ongoing because birth control. Most people want to cum, not to have children, and lower libido in men will not make much difference except reducing the frustration of countless men for forces and hormones that were not designed to contemporary civilization, and are not suitable for men that will never get sex anyway. Women will also feel more comfortable and in peace if men have a lower libido akin to theirs. Others may claim men will be lazier now if they have lower libido because less motivation, but I don't think that is the case of women for having lower libido so it does not have to be the case for men either. Also society is not entitled to men's desperation or horniness staying just for productivity and taxpayer cattle. TLDR: The problem is that men have higher libido than women, an insatiable libido in a world where men are not getting sex as often as they want (at least for most men), and it is not any gender's fault that is the case. It is Just the fact that society is not made for this kind of libido difference. ------------------------- Posted by CommunicationNo9896 | 10 March 2023 | Link [https://www.reddit.com/r/PurplePillDebate/comments/11nq6n1/the_elephant_in_the_room_is_the_libido_gap/] ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1172862