Why are "nice guys" always depicted as fat and ugly? 17 upvotes | March 12, 2023 | by tayrod_432 ------------------------- Literally every single depiction of someone drawing a "nice guy" that i've seen is a fat, neckbearded, ugly dude with a fedora or some other variation of this. The clipart of fat ugly dudes is plastered all over r/niceguys [https://old.reddit.com/r/niceguys]. Can attractive men not be "nice guys" as well? Have you ever encountered the entitlement and narcissism of a frat boy on a college campus? Did you know a woman has the highest chance of encountering a sexual predator at a college frat party? Why aren't tall, attractive frat boys depicted so negatively when they also harass women? Do you get a pass if you're attractive? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/1176507