You are Not a Special Fucking Snowflake. 258 upvotes | November 23, 2015 | by CrazyHorseInvincible ------------------------- We get it. You have brown skin. You're short. You're tall. You're an introvert. You're extroverted and hyperactive. You have a thick Russian accent. You're skinny. You're fat. You have one arm. You don't speak the local language. Your eyes are different colours. STOP ASKING FOR A SPECIAL PROGRAM. Because it doesn't fucking matter. Everyone has different stuff about them. But I fucking guarantee you are not so unique that the TRP advice needs to be customized for YOU. How does a white man get strong? He eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and lifts really heavy things. How does a black man get strong? He eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and lifts really heavy things. How does a brown man get strong? He eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and lifts really heavy things. How does a yellow man get strong? He eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and lifts really heavy things. How does a red man get strong? He eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and lifts really heavy things. Asking for special advice is just another form of procrastination. _"Oh, I can't just go and do Stronglifts 5x5 like everyone fucking else. I need to ask the internet endlessly about how to tweak it so I can get maximum benefit from the exact way I bench press 135 lbs. with my tiny little stick arms!"_ No, you fucking don't. You need pick up the heaviest thing you can lift, any old way, put it down again, and keep doing that. You know who needs custom programs and tailored advice? Intermediate lifters and beyond, that's who. The guy whose bench is stuck at 265 because he broke his collarbone ten years ago and it wasn't set right and so he's always been a little weaker right on the bottom on that side. The guy with the bad habit of rounding his back a little when he tries for that five-plate deadlift. The guy who needs more thickness in his upper back... weighted pullups or bent over dumbbell rows? If you've never had a threesome, your race doesn't matter. Because what matters is that you are a newb and haven't mastered the basic material yet. Yes, it's harder if you are a midget or a cripple. But it is NOT DIFFERENT, JUST HARDER. You beat it the same damn way. ASKTRP IS FOR WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, NOT WHEN YOU ARE TOO LAZY TO FUCKING DO IT, AND YOU WANT SOME SYMPATHY AND A COOKIE INSTEAD. Race whining posts will vanish without notice, starting now. ------------------------- Archived from