Arguing with women 8 upvotes | June 5, 2015 | by wanderer779 ------------------------- So tonight I got in an argument with my girlfriend, which started when she suggested we buy a house together. Currently we have 1 child together, and I live in her house and pay her for my share of the bills. I decided not to put my name on the house or get any joint accounts. She has tried to convince me to do both, to no avail. So today she is talking about getting a house in a better school district and wants us both to put money down on it. First of all this is a ridiculous subject since she has no money, but she wants to discuss it. I told her if I buy a house, I'm paying cash and putting my name on it only. She gets upset, asks why, I tell her because I don't want to put myself in a position where I can get kicked out of my own house. I'm not even sure that is possible since we aren't married, but I've ceased being surprised at the ways women can legally fuck you over. Of course instead of taking a step back to consider things from my POV and coming to an understanding why I had these views, and most importantly dropping the subject, she persists. I can't remember what all was said, shaming tactics and irrelevant and illogical statements were flying at me so fast I think I got a little disoriented. It was a problem with me that I have no trust, she would never do that to me, it isn't like that in all states, for example illinois is better (we don't even live in IL and we personally know men who were eviscerated in family court there, but whatever), and on and on. I was getting tired of all this bullshit and really just wanted her to drop it so I could get back to watching Norm Macdonald videos, but she was not letting up. Finally she says that she thinks I should talk to somebody about my "problem". I tell her I don't have a problem, and anyway I don't need to talk to anyone, I've seen enough divorces to know what the score is. Finally she tells me that I just need to become a men's rights activist. At this point I was pretty annoyed, so I tell her she needs to get it out of her system that she needs to be figuring out what I need to be doing, and to worry about herself. Cue tears/silent treatment. So, yeah, totally ridiculous and par for the course when arguing with women. I think my main mistake was taking the shit so seriously. I probably should have just made a joke out of it and refused to discuss it seriously. Or maybe I didn't make any mistake, I don't know. ------------------------- Archived from