Why does TRP encourage men to have many sexual partners but encourage women to have fewer sexual partners? 0 upvotes | June 23, 2015 | by Chad_Thundercock69 ------------------------- An ideal unicorn wife for example would have 0 or very few sexual partners. Women who high partner counts (100+) are not wife material. TRP encourages men to have sex a lot with a lot of different women, especially in college. Why the difference? I agree that women with high partner counts are less likely to be satisfied with a LTR or husband as they become disillusioned with him over time, but wouldn't the same be true for men? If I've been banging 10/10s every week and settle for a 8/10 wife because of her good values won't I lose interest and be more tempted to cheat/leave? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/150362