Lighter Side RP - The Sausage Fest 0 upvotes | July 13, 2014 | by demilitarizdsm ------------------------- Realized you might appreciate this. Went to a VERY liberal college filled with hippy feminists. So my old dorm buddies, all very close brothers, and I are living in this big house and that college had us all feeling pretty MGTOW. On Halloween we all get this idea to say fuck Halloween and the traditional slooting scene it always ends up. We decided we're throwing a sausage fest boys only party. Bought a shit load of meats, yea mostly sausages, and grilled and drank from morning to night. Yea... guess who had to show up despite us purposefully stating boys only. We tried our best to shame them each for their lame costumes. Anyway I highly suggest the sausage fest to up the camaraderie with your bros. ------------------------- Archived from