"You do you" is "just be yourself" with lipstick. 11 upvotes | February 13, 2016 | by theultmatecad ------------------------- One of the tenets of TRP is to display behaviours and characteristics that women find attractive. Men's inintal anger stage is partly because they _thought_ they would be loved for their specialness when women actually prefer a consistent archetype that I'm not going to discuss in _this_ thread. My toilet time is limited. Anyway, I've seen "you do you" thrown around here ALOT lately and wanted to start the discussion that it's the wrong attitude. Yes, one should use TRP tools within the framework of his personality but it's important to know that "being yourself" today, for most men, isn't going to work. You be the hardest, nastiest, nonneedy benevolent patriarch version of yourself is more fitting. Edit Added rollo http://therationalmale.com/2012/01/13/just-be-yourself/ ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/200349