Book recommendations? 11 upvotes | January 19, 2019 | by TrenGod37 ------------------------- Read all of the sidebar books. This month I read. Never split the difference. Can’t hurt me. Extreme ownership. Psycho cybernetics All these books were really good but the book that literally lit a fire under my ass was The mindful attraction plan. That book changed my life and I haven’t been able to stop since. I’m a new person. I been staying away from the forum. Reading and putting things to the test. Writing my thoughts off here. Anyway I’m wondering if some of you can suggest another read or two. I’m more focusing on bettering myself but I do like i aspects of books understand the dynamics of a healthy marriage like MAP and MMSLP. My relationship is really fucking good because of the implementation of MAP and all this. So my relationship isn’t an issue but it doesn’t hurt to brush up on things. My main focus though is and as always should be. Bettering me. Thanks for your suggestions guys ------------------------- Archived from