Stay vs. Go Plan At Odds? 9 upvotes | November 30, 2018 | by hack3ge ------------------------- Requisite stats: 175lbs, 5'8", 14%BF, BP 210, SQ 365, DL 415 As I progress in my MAP I am finding that there are things I would do differently if I was going to leave my wife vs. stay with her. The standard shit is all pretty straight forward: controlling finances/budgets, owning shit around the house, leading my kids/wife, hobbies, friends, etc. However, I am finding that some things I surely wouldn't do or would be counter-intuitive to do if I were to leave. For example, if I stay I certainly am going to be purchasing some real estate investment properties for passive income but if I were to leave the reduction to a single income and a tighter budget increases the risk of doing this. Also, I have been starting to work on building a coaching practice which I have been doing for free to test out some of my ideas with friends/family but moving this to the next stage would be additional income that would increase my alimony/child support in the divorce. These are just a few examples and I am finding there are others that are not quite as impactful but similar. The idea of not moving forward on things and delaying them because of concern for an unknown future event just doesn't sit well with me but these things do have real world implications. As I write this not sure I have a question other than looking for alternative ways to look at the situation. ------------------------- Archived from