Making friends 6 upvotes | November 5, 2018 | by NotDeadGettingBetter ------------------------- Ok, so I don't think there's any way to not sound like a pussy in this post, but I'm kind of at a loss. One of the questions I have seen asked here is "If you had concert tickets (or whatever) and wanted to invite a buddy, how many people could you call up immediately?" My answer is ZERO. Quick background--I first bumped into red pill ~2 years ago, in my mid-30s. By far best thing I've done since then is starting lifting for the first time in my life. I literally had never touched a barbell before I was 35. It wasn't easy starting from a base of weak skinnyfat, but I'm still improving. Weight 175, height 6'2, maxes over the last month or so benching 185x3, squat 3x270, deadlift 3x300, ohp 2x135. Running 5/3/1. Relationship with wife is not perfect, but honestly, things are good. She's pregnant with our third child, house shit is taken care of (her), yard shit is taken care of (me), sex is far more regular than in the past, even pregnant. So here's where I am sorely lacking. We moved to a new town and state about 2 years ago. Don't know anybody. Always before I've had friends and family nearby, and always found it easy to make friends through work and school. Now I'm self-employed (started a business, and it's going really well, though still in the early days), so work friendships are out. No old friends from my youth or family connections anywhere nearby. I'm not a churchgoer. I tend to work long hours during the week and I also try to spend my evenings with the kids (two kids under 10, #3 is on the way). My personal hours I've been spending lifting (~4-5 hours a week) at my home gym or running (an hour or two). Weekends are kid activities, house work, job work, etc. I have great work relationships with clients around the country (some of whom I consider friends) Fuck, I feel like I'm already DEERing. Bottom line is that I don't have one male friend within 50 miles. (or more...) tl;dr, I don't have a single local male friend. I'm clueless as to how to make friends as a busy mid-30s parent. Kinda sucks. ------------------------- Archived from