Am I being insensitive here? 6 upvotes | June 13, 2018 | by InconspicuousWand ------------------------- I have a hard time recognizing when I’m actually being a shitty husband. Or when she’s trying to drag me into the frame of being one. I come home from work the wife asks how my day was yadda yadda. But then she will complain I never ask her about hers. And I usually don’t. Sometimes I do but usually I don’t. It’s mostly because I don’t care enough. Yesterday was our 6 year anniversary now the date is pretty much made up because neither of us actually remember the exact date. So it’s nothing I tend to celebrate. She reminded me then asked if we were doing something. I told her I hadn’t planned on anything I had some things to get done. I get them done and immediately come home and pass out. I was running off 3 hours of sleep. She didn’t make a big deal but did say something about it. And it got me thinking. Am I being a shitty husband? Should I be doing all this stuff? What are the guidelines (we’ll say) that some of you follow for the stuff you’re doing for your wives? ------------------------- Archived from