How to talk politics with hardcore bluepilled wife? 9 upvotes | May 23, 2018 | by roostrboostr ------------------------- Wife grew up with beta provider dad / domineering "boss" mom, then went to university for a degree in blaming patriarchy, then married me, a weak "feminist ally" of the worst kind. I woke up a few years ago and started the long process of getting my shit together; she has responded instinctively to RP tactics and has adopted some tradcon thinking to justify her feelings and view of me as leader, but I still have a long way to go and she is still extremely tied to mainstream feminist theory of everything. Things work better in our actual relationship, and are improving slowly, but it is impossible to have a conversation about politics or men/women in a general sense. How do I manage this? I try amusement about that which is outside of my frame but my frame is not even close to 100% and I still succumb to getting pissed off after enough talk about male oppression and female victimhood. When I do successfully achieve amusement, I tease her about her victim complex and she goes completely ballistic. Any advice, other than stay the course and continue to become less pathetic? ------------------------- Archived from