Learning About “Handiness” 4 upvotes | March 3, 2018 | by resolutions316 ------------------------- Im the classic academic - I work with my brain, I love learning, I love reading and writing, I tend towards clumsiness, lack of spatial reasoning, forgetfulness, etc. So I’ve gotten through life with barely any exposure to the mechanical world. I married a very handy woman, but I myself can’t fix anything in the house and really don’t understand how things work. Having just finished _Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance_, I’d love to start addressing this lack of knowledge. I’m curious to learn more about machines, general handiness, and so on. Any suggestions? Approaches, books, YouTube channels, general concepts, projects? How did you learn your way around fixing things/understanding the mechanical world? Cheers. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/204752