Feedback on my 'Phase I' plan? 6 upvotes | October 23, 2017 | by wildnight98 ------------------------- I've done an immense amount of reading over a short period of time, made a ton of notes, and am trying to distill it into a concrete list of what I should be doing over the next 60 days or so. Feedback greatly appreciated. "PHASE I" PROPOSAL _I guess this phase lasts a couple months until I make good progress on diet and exercise?_ Background: I'm 50, decent shape, 188 lbs, 35% bodyfat (est, will test), 5'10". I think classic drunk captain diagnosis fits best, although I am thinking things probably went completely off the rails about 12 years ago when she got a boob job. Phase I Reading: * Finish reading NMMNG _It describes me to a 'T'. I called my younger brother to get him to read it. Our childhood is a poster child for the diagnosis._ _I also note that my W suffers from father abandonment which was caused by her mother (Mom left bio-dad)_ * Finish reading Sidebar _almost done with non-book materials_ * Next read MMSLP Phase I Getting in Shape: * Diet - done; ongoing, working * Diet goal: lose 20 lbs by Christmas * Exercise - scheduled, started (recruited secretary to enforce schedule, keep clothes and towels at office, laundry service) * Exercise goal: Following StrongLifts app workout plan to double lift weights next 60 days, double tennis lessons to 2/wk Phase I Increase SMV: * Order some new clothes to replace oldest boring stuff * Go for new style; emphasis on masculinity Phase I Start Figure Out Frame: _Apart from thinking about this more, not completely sure what specifically to do?_ * Start thinking about pleasing myself instead of her * Don't worry about whether she likes what I'm doing * Plan a few weekend outings for me and the boys w or w/out her Phase I Interaction with W: * STFU * Stop apologizing for anything * Be a little more commanding and a little less solicitous _I'm curious to see how far I can push this but will keep Rambo in mind_ * Ignore the ice-queen treatment _she can keep this up indefinitely_ (i.e. fake the confident frame for now, act happy anyways) * Do the stuff around the house I want to and/or I think needs/should be done * OMS (OYS?) Thanks. I was in serious pain when I found this place. Being able to have a plan that can actually be worked is a major blessing. Still very angry but trying to use it for motivation. ------------------------- Archived from