Opinions please, on how to treat her latest threat 7 upvotes | September 22, 2017 | by classicthrowaway86 ------------------------- I'm about a year into swallowing the pill, read some of my previous posts for more background, but in summary, I have seen huge improvements in marriage and SL. Operating at some good dread levels (clearly not high enough evidently). Not quite where I want to be just yet, but definitely been a savior for me. A couple months ago I decided to start growing a beard, I dont know why exactly. My body is looking pretty good from lifting. I'm 30 and never had a beard, so i thought why not. To be honest I think I look better with it. All through my twenties I naturally had a bit of a baby face, not so much these last few years. I feel the beard makes me look a little more manly. Over these few months growing said beard, the wife has dropped a few comments, basically that she didnt like it etc. To all of these I would kinda give a smirk or something similar and STFU. This morning it obviously came to a head for her. She said no more sex until its gone, and she said she was serious about it. Like usual I kinda just smirked, acted as if i DNGAF and went about whatever I was doing and we continued on the day like usual in good moods. This is what i'm asking everyones opinion on, what to do now? I had 3 seperate thoughts, none of which i've acted on, yet... * Sometime after the conversation, I thought, no, I shouldnt stand for this shit, im gonna call out her BS, im going to go up to her and say: "Hey, I dont appreciate what you said earlier, if you dont wanna have sex with me then dont, but dont use it as leverage for my beard. Imagine i said to you that i'm not having sex with you unless you style your hair a certain way, or wear makeup a certain way or have bigger boobs". My hamster spun and spun and i thought nah thats DEERING, i'm just gonna stay STFU, so I didnt do anything. * Then I thought, well if she genuinely isnt attracted to me with the beard, then i really should take it off, I want to be attractive to her, so i might just take it off.... but hang on, then wont I look weak and folding to her demands? * RedPill me thought, no, fuck her. She doesnt like me the way I want to be then I DNGAF, dont have sex with me I dont care.. (not actually say this to her) just keep my OI and abundant mentality and yeah if she doesnt want to, she doesnt have to and see who most stubborn. Appreciate comments. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/205400